Garbage and Sanitation
The city of City of Oglethorpe contracts with an outside waste management company for solid waste collection and recycling. Everyone within the city limits is required to have garbage collection. Garbage is picked up on Wednesday mornings; however, we recommend taking your container to the street on Tuesday night. If your cart is damaged, please contact city hall and we will have a replacement delivered to you.
The City of Oglethorpe also provides leaf and limb pickup service. We require all limbs to be cut to 6ft or less in length and all leaves to be bagged. Your location depends on when your items will be picked up. Please see below for Trash Pick Up Schedule.
As always if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call or come by city hall.
Contact Info
Melissa Jones
City Clerk & Supervisor
115 Chatham Street
Visit Website
Frequently Asked Questions
When are the garbage collection days for my street?
Garbage is collected on Wednesday mornings.
What do I do if my cart is damaged?
Please contact city hall at 478-472-6485 and we will have a replacement cart delievered to you.